Kinship is a comprehensive marketing agency built for where the world is going.
We blend Storytelling - Public Relations - Social Media - Digital Marketing - Community Marketing - with Analytics for freethinking entrepreneurs, leading businesses and rule breaking artists.
We connect the world through stories, moments and data.
We talk last. We listen first. We focus on ROI. But most of all, we fight - fiercely - for those who market with meaning.
We often need a story more than food. They share who we are and what is possible. What we call upon. That we might believe in others. These storytellers - our partners in food, travel and culture - inspire all we do. We commit ourselves every day to the best work of our lives building value in their businesses.
A need to be different
We are in a single player game, programmed entirely to every distinct partner.
What kind of marketing will improve my margins?
At last. Your own in-house agency.
Kinship plays to your strengths. We support internal team members, assist fellow agencies or proudly go it alone with both a la carte and comprehensive services.
Where is the return on investment?
We pinpoint and leverage the areas of greatest return on marketing through complete analytics.
How do I continue to inspire?
We create and we carry through on brave, bold ideas, constantly imagining anew.
Who is the expert in the room?
We believe success comes from real specialization, and your team - Kinship - is the entire sum of those specialists.
Marketing performs at its best when services respond to the bottom line.
Here’s how we get it done.
Share the moments.
Pitch placements and build up
the accolades.
Express, engage and influence.
Gather a tribe of believers.
Create a strong digital position where consumers most consume.
Evaluate and optimize demand with highly original content experiences, events and offers.
Kinship is…
that moment of undeniable belonging. The feeling you get when the world seems vulnerable, small, as if it’s tied to our own Gravity. Closeness. Connection.